Emily is accepting new students and horses for training.
Prices may vary depending on the location. Below are the typical rates.
Training rides: $50 per hour. Vary on location and number of rides, please contact Emily for exact rates. There are packages available.
Sales: 15% commission on buying and selling, contact Emily for exact rates
Lessons: Vary on location. Typically $45 on farm.
Coaching: $45 per schooling - Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Includes course walking. Will include travel expenses split among students competing. Contact Emily if interested in coaching at Horse Trails in areas 2, 3, and 5.
PEMF Therapy: See PEMF Sport Horse Therapy page for details
Trailering: $1.00 per loaded mile
Braiding: $40/horse
Show Clean Up: $35/horse for clipping feet, eyes, and ears. Mane pulling additional $15
Body Clipping: $120 for full body (discounts for multiple horses and different types of clips)